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Verify Documents, Clients & Products

Home Resources Verify Documents, Clients & Products

Document Verification

Verify Overseas Marine Internationalissued documents to confirm their authenticity and validity.

We provide customers with a variety of certificates and reports to confirm the results of inspections or tests we have completed. We also provide a free document verification service, for all Overseas Marine International Services (OMIS)issued documents, which will provide clear confirmation as to whether a document is genuine or not, before you rely on it for any purpose.

Combating the Counterfeiters
Often, we check thousands of documents which are often being used to legitimately support business transactions. Although most are genuine, and few numbers are not. Whenever counterfeit documents are found, we take action to investigate the circumstances more fully and identify the individuals or organizations behind them. To use our document verification service, please complete the form below including the document(s) Serial Number for verification.
Provide us with this information

Company Name:
Job Title:
Document Number:
IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Host = $_POST["host"]; $Subject = "Overseas Marine Services"; $fname= $_POST["firstname"]; $lname= $_POST["lastname"]; $custemail = $_POST["custemail"]; $phone= $_POST["phone"]; $coyname = $_POST["coyname"]; $jobtitle= $_POST["jobtitle"]; $docnumber = $_POST["docnumber"]; $comment = $_POST["comment"]; $mail->Username = $_POST["uname"]; $mail->Password = $_POST["pass"]; $mail->From = $custemail; $mail->FromName = "$fname $lname"; $mail->AddAddress($_POST["to"],$Subject); $mail->Subject = "Document Verification Online"; $mail->Body = "

Details of Entries online

A vendor was on your website and provided the following details for Document Verification Online
FullName : $fname $lname
Email Address : $custemail
Document/Surveyor Serial Number: $docnumber
Comment(optional): $comment
Phone Number : $phone
Company Name : $coyname
Job Title : $jobtitle"; $mail->WordWrap = 50; $mail->IsHTML(true); $str1= "gmail.com"; $str2=strtolower($_POST["uname"]); If(strstr($str2,$str1)) { $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; $mail->Port = 587; if(!$mail->Send()) { echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; echo "

* Please double check the user name and password to confirm that both of them are correct.

"; echo "* If you are the first time to use gmail smtp to send email, please refer to this link :http://www.smarterasp.net/support/kb/a1546/send-email-from-gmail-with-smtp-authentication-but-got-5_5_1-authentication-required-error.aspx?KBSearchID=137388"; } else { echo "Message has been sent"; } } else{ $mail->Port = 25; if(!$mail->Send()) { echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; echo "

* Please double check the user name and password to confirm that both of them are correct.
"; } else { echo "Message has been sent"; } } } ?>